This blog was founded on the belief United States of America is a nation where the individual is empowered by God; by virtue of the rights He has bestowed upon all men. And that the responsibility of our representatives, at all levels of government, is to be agents of the people and of individual rights and freedom against excessive government regulation rather than allies of the government against the people. It is only through action of a free people that liberty is able to flourish, grow and expand; this is one small effort to that end.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Let's elect a LATINO president.

As the race develops and candidates are throwing their hat in the ring or dropping out, there is a lot of discussion about who is the better candidate. the process has already begun to vet each of the candidates in the race for the republican nomination. The problem is that conservatives are also quickly forming into a circular firing squad. Conservatives have to resist the temptation of attacking every candidate they personally dislike and start looking for the best LATINO candidate. Nooo.... I am not waiting breathlessly for Marco Rubio, although I wouldn't necessarily be opposed if he decided to run. Nope, I have developed my own little list of qualities that I am looking for in my next president. I want him to be LATINO and nothing else will do. Call it a litmus test if you want but it is the only way I can be comfortable giving him or her my vote. Yep he/she must be LATINO.

L - Limited government - I want president who believes that government works best when it is confined to a very limited scope and authority. I want the president who believes that the federal government should not tell me what type of light bulb to buy or force me to buy health insurance that I don't want or I don't need. A federal government that will restrain itself from expanding its power over the people and its growth and cost to the American taxpayer. I want a president that will cut the size, scope and reach of government in the everyday lives of all Americans.

A -Adherence to the Constitution and to the rule of law- and by that I mean an originalist vision to the words in the constitution. For example: if the first amendment says "Congress shall make no law" that's what it means. The liberal meme that there was no internet in the times of the founding fathers is moot. If all politicians, not just the president, would always adhere to and be bound by the Constitution our nation would be infinitely better off. In the same vein, we as country would be better off if we would just follow the law; from illegal immigration to “legalized” marijuana to food stamp fraud and the rest.

T - Traditional values- what I am talking about is exactly what you think I am talking about; old fashioned morality. Morality and faith in God are what this nation was founded upon, there is no way any intellectually honest person can deny that fact. And the further any society drifts from morality the more it descends into debauchery. We are seeing this happen before our eyes. When a 16 year old gets pregnant out of wedlock is celebrated while a girl who wants to remain a virgin until marriage is ridiculed, we as a society have to step back and really question what we have become. We are teaching our children that promiscuity is acceptable and even giving them the means by which they can be more so. We are teaching an entire generation that dependence on government is OK, rather than trying to instill a good work ethic and teaching the value of job well done and an honorably earned dollar. This lack of morality has decayed our institutions and our culture. Hedonism is not something we as a society and nation should strive for. We must return to an age when we looked out for each because it was the right thing to do, when honor meant something.
I -Individual liberty and responsibility- People should be allowed to succeed and fail on their own merits. Our next president must have the strength to leave people alone, and let each person struggle, fail and/or persevere. The government has for too long coddled the American people. What we need is tough love. If you can work then get out there and work and quit making excuses for why you can't. The federal government has slowly and almost imperceptibly made great strides in denying its citizens their liberty through taxation and regulation. Americans seeking to better their lot are hamstrung and restrained by the power of government bureaucracies and mountains of regulations. Meanwhile many Americans are encouraged to neglect their responsibilities as parents, husbands and fathers through a myriad of social programs, which in the end only encourages more dependence on government and further inhibits liberty and opportunity.

N -National defense that is strong, flexible, and dynamic- It only makes sense. Peace through strength is the only real solution. When America shows weakness there is always some despot who will try and poke a stick in her eye. I am by no means giving the DoD carte blanche but there is no doubt that our military should be the most modern, best equipped, best trained fighting force on the planet. The freedoms we enjoy are only sustainable so long as the American military continues to be the premier fighting force in the world and America continues to be a respected super-power.

O - Open markets and free trade- The world is a market and there is one indisputable fact in life: Competition is the incubator for better, less expensive, higher quality goods and services. The next president must realize that the federal government has, for over 70 years, disrupted the free market capitalist system in the United States through subsidies and federal government programs which pick winners and losers. This includes farm subsidies, taxes code loopholes, grants of every sort, as well as laws written to benefit one industry over another, and certain groups of people over others. This must stop. Any time the government at any level interferes or manipulates the market, the only people hurt are consumers, and by that I mean everyone. I want a president that believes in the ingenuity and industriousness of the American people. A president that trusts not only people, but the market to do the right thing. I want a president that believes the power of the market is stronger than the power of government to act in the best interest of people.

A LATINO candidate will be sure to cut across demographic boundaries and should be supported by social conservatives, fiscal conservatives, TEA Party activists, Independents, as well as minorities.

It is time to make history and elect our first LATINO president.

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