**This blog entry was written previously and is being reposted here. I will post all of my previous articles here as a method to consolidate all articles in one location**
After Senator Harry Reid’s comment about Hispanic voters, I believe that, in fact, he does need to say more. I would like for Harry Reid to explain to Hispanics all the wonderful policies that the Democrat Party advocates that either benefit the Hispanic community or are in line with the average Hispanic voter. I would like for Harry Reid to address each of these issues and convince Hispanics that the Democrat Party is looking out for their best interests.
First and foremost it is an insult to the Hispanic community to refer to them as one monolithic group. There are many, many distinct and wonderful cultures which would otherwise be categorized as Hispanic. People whose origins can be traced to Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Columbia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Cuba or Puerto Rico are all considered Hispanic. And within those countries there are a plethora of different indigenous peoples and cultures. But Harry Reid and the Democrat party arrogantly insist on lumping them all together as if there were no distinction among them and as if they all are too ignorant to have differing views on the issues that face our country today.
THE RULE OF LAW- People want a government that is based on law. It is only in this way that people can be assured that what they work for cannot be taken away. And they expect that everyone should and will be treated equally under the law. Many have come to escape the day to day corruption of their home country; to a place where waiting your turn and complying with the law are a welcome change to the corruption and lawlessness of their home country.
So, Harry Reid and Democrats let me just say that there are a lot more reasons for Hispanics to be Republican than there are for them to be Democrat. I will not be so arrogant to say: I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Democrat.
I will say to all Hispanics: If you are pro-business, pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-family values, and want small government, and low taxes; I don’t know how you could NOT be a Republican.
After Senator Harry Reid’s comment about Hispanic voters, I believe that, in fact, he does need to say more. I would like for Harry Reid to explain to Hispanics all the wonderful policies that the Democrat Party advocates that either benefit the Hispanic community or are in line with the average Hispanic voter. I would like for Harry Reid to address each of these issues and convince Hispanics that the Democrat Party is looking out for their best interests.

According to the Pew Hispanic Center, in a report issued in April 2007, 83% of all Hispanics identify themselves as Christians; either Catholic (68%) or Protestant (15%). As a result most Hispanics are more socially conservative and have nothing in common with the social agenda of the Democrat party. Among the social issues that Hispanics are at odds with Democrats are:
ABORTION- Since abortion is condemned by the Catholic Church and many Christian churches, why would any Hispanic support the Democrat Party? The Democrat party has all but made the acceptance of abortion a requirement for membership in the party and continues to advocate for abortion legislation to include: Partial birth abortion, embryonic stem cell research, funding for Planned Parenthood, child consent laws, among others.
GAY MARRIAGE- Same sex marriage is anathema to natural law and to Catholic teaching. Hispanics may vary widely on whether or not this is a good idea, but there is no doubt that many of them disagree with the agenda of the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Transgender lobby, which most Democrats support.
FREE MARKET CAPITALISM- Many immigrants from Central and South America immigrate to the United States in search of the American Dream. The opportunity to succeed and to achieve based on effort. Many have left their homeland because of the leftist socialist policies adopted by their home countries. Economic empowerment allows immigrants to care for their families and leave a legacy for their children. They have come to America to find an economic environment that encourages rather than stifles entrepreneurship. Why would these Hispanics vote for Democrats who have over the last 18 months nationalized the auto industry, nationalized the mortgage market, bailed out the banking industry, and nationalized the post-secondary education loan industry?
FREEDOM- Hispanics want to enjoy freedom; freedom to speak and to assemble. Many Latin American countries have been or are in the process of stifling these freedoms. Many Hispanics want to live without fear of repercussion from the government. Cuba has had a despotic Communist regime for decades, Venezuela has shut down most of the independent press and has nationalized the oil industry, Bolivia is a Venezuelan puppet state and is following Venezuela’s lead. There are many examples of leftist regimes from which Hispanics have sought and continue to seek refuge.
I will say to all Hispanics: If you are pro-business, pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-family values, and want small government, and low taxes; I don’t know how you could NOT be a Republican.
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