I excerpted my previous blog post in the comments section on an opinion piece in the Arizona Republic Newspaper's website about Anchor Babies. After I submitted my comments I noticed that the AZ Republic redacted my use of the term "anchor baby" which was actually in the headline of this opinion piece. I guess we all have to use the term anchor child. Below is a note I sent to the editor.
How completely hypocritical can the Arizona Republic be? Above is the headline of an Opinion written by James Garcia. As you will note the term, “Anchor Baby,“ is present. As a matter of fact, the term "anchor baby" is used five more time within the body of the opinion piece. Why, then, have you redacted the use of the term as inappropriate in your comments section. Ridiculous! You have the audacity to print this in garbage and then prohibit your readership from addressing the precise term which your paper is demonizing. This is the height of hypocrisy.
So much for Free Speech. This is exactly what was addressed in my previous post and it only took the Arizona Republic one day to prove me right. Below is a screen capture of comments I submitted in their redacted form.
We're quickly traveling down a very slippery slope. As the song goes, "It's too late, to turn back now!!" The libs have invaded the educational system of this great nation, the halls of government, and the media. While so many were entertained by the likes of Oprah, they were slowly and quietly stealing the minds of our young. I'm just as guilty. Too late we wake up, because we're heading for the Socialist States of Amerika and there's nothing to do but hang on. The nation we knew is on the trash heap of history. The country my dad fought to defend from the likes of the present comrade in chief has been handed to them on a silver platter. May God have mercy on us all. Short of an act of the Almighty (who won't show because we've turned our backs on Israel), we're done for. We've murdered 50 million innocents on the altar of "convenience", sent God packing from the halls of Academia, Government and every else we honored Him at one time, and now have the nerve to ask why this is happening to us? Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.