This post all started with a conversation I had with an acquaintance. I was asked why I am so staunchly pro-life. My answer could have been as simple as, “I am Catholic.” Since Catholic Church doctrine is against abortion, so am I. If I were to give this response, it would reduce the issue of abortion into a theological discussion and would weaken my argument. I have contemplated my position and have distilled it down to a very simple direct and concise sentence which conveys the moral principle.
Abortion is to kill innocent human beings.
That is the sum total of the argument. The beauty of this sentence is it's simplicity and the fact that the statement is empirically true. If we deconstruct the sentence word by word, it is impossible for anyone to argue that it is untrue. So, I will begin with the last word first and work my way to the first. I will use the Miriam-Webster on-line dictionary; the definitions will be in italics.
Definition of BEING
a : the quality or state of having existence
b (1) : something conceivable as existing (2) : something that actually exists (3) : the totality of existing things
c : conscious existence : life
: the qualities that constitute an existent thing : essence;especially : personality
Based on the definition above and based on what we know scientifically; once an egg is fertilized by a sperm a zygote is formed. There is no doubt whatsoever that this zygote exists. Its existence is verifiable and undeniable. We have pictures of zygotes as well as measurements. The zygote divides itself every 20 hours; by the time it is an adult human being it is “made up of about 60-90 trillion cells.” So, since the zygote begins to grow immediately from the first day of conception it can also be said that it is a “living being.” Logic dictates that anything which can replicate and grow is alive, and “the cell is the smallest unit of life... It means that the cell is the smallest living thing capable of replicating.” Any one can argue about the size of a zygote but can not argue that it does not exist nor that it is not a living being.
Definition of HUMAN
: of, relating to, or characteristic of humans
: consisting of humans
a : having human form or attributes
b : susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature

So to this point we have established a human being: something having existence which is of and has the characteristic of humans (DNA).
Definition of INNOCENT
The human being in its earliest stages of development is free from any guilt, it cannot be at fault for its own existence or creation. Since its existence was a result of intercourse between a human male and a human female and not the causation, the “human being” can not be guilty of its own existence. This is in no way a commentary as to the circumstances by which the “human being” was created. In the case of rape, there is no argument that a man who rapes a woman is in any way, shape or form justified. In fact any man guilty of rape should, rightfully, be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. My point here is that the result, the creation of a “human being” through pregnancy, should not be confused with the causation, intercourse between a man and a woman.
Definition of KILL
transitive verb
a : to deprive of life : cause the death ofb (1) : to slaughter (as a hog) for food (2) : to convert a food animal into (a kind of meat) by slaughtering
a : to put an end to b : defeat, veto
c : to mark for omission; also : delete
c : to mark for omission; also : delete
d : annihilate, destroy
Since I have already established that the “human being” is alive and that from its creation this human being begins to grow, it is logical to say that any deliberate action to force that human being to stop growing is depriving that human being of life. To kill something is to stop it from growing or replicating. It is irrelevant whether that something is a virus, a bacteria, a plant or an animal; once it can not longer grow as a result of a deliberate action it can be said that it has been killed. A weed can be killed in a myriad of ways; chemically with pesticides or physically by pulling it out by the roots, either way the result is the same. And either way it is killing weeds.
Pro-abortion forces will, and have for many years, obfuscated these empirical truths. They have done this by using medical terms in an effort to distract people from the reality that is abortion. It doesn't sound very bad if you say, “I terminated the pregnancy,” versus “I killed an innocent human being.”
That is what abortion is. Abortion is the action of causation and the effect is to kill an innocent human being. When couched in this manner it is impossible for anyone to discredit the statement. From a strictly objective perspective the statement is undeniable and unassailable. And by any measure the statement is the truth.
Abortion is to kill innocent human beings.